Wednesday, August 17, 2022

brain fog

 I just sometimes get confused

    Whenever that happens, I wonder if it is something serious or just a moment's lapse of whatever.

    Today I ran into someone at Walgreen's.  I said, "Hi....has he left for school yet?"  She gave me a puzzled look and I realized I was talking to Krista of Cypress House and confused her with neighbor Wendy, who's son is headed to Iowa.  They look a little alike, but not enough to confuse a normal person.  I am not normal.

    Then, when I left the store, I got into the passenger side of the car.  WTH??

    At Walmart I could not remember the third thing I was supposed to buy.  I wrote it down on a piece of paper I left at home. 

    Holy cow, what is up with that?

    Hoever I did some positives today....load of laundry, quick cleaning of two bathrooms, cleaned my mower deck, got carboard cut up for recycling, and I rode my bike around the block!

    Wooooweee!  2.14 miles!!  Understand, I have not ridden this year.  I aired up the tires and after supper took a short ride.

    I could not believe how tired my legs were though.  I had planned two trips around, but only made one.  Tomorrow's another day.

    As I was looking for my car in the Walmart parking lot, (actually Julia's car, which I could not remember what color it was) very pretty, young girl, said, "I like your shirt."

    I was wearing an Ollie's shirt.  She said her family owned a business near Ollie's and she loves going there. 

    I like to think she was hitting on me, but that is the dreamer in me.  But it could just be the custard.

Peace and Love

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