Sunday, August 28, 2022


 Sometimes us older folks mess up technology

    Jackie "talks" with her brother Bob during Cub games.  They message back and forth.  Sometimes it's a simple "damn" or "hit"  or "hurray."

    When the Cubs scored their first run today, Jackie texted "run" to Bob.

    Except, it wasn't Bob.

    Our weather was unsettled today, severe thunderstorm warnings for our area.  Emily lost her house years ago in a tornado and is a little skittish when storms move in.

    Emily was perplexed when Jackie texted HER "run."

    Was there a tornado?  Why should she run?  Where should she run?

    So Emily called and said she was trying to round up 13 dogs and head to the basement because Mom said run, which must mean a terrible storm is coming.

    I don't think she was actually trying to get 13 dogs into the basement, although that would have made for an interesting video.

    Mind you, this is not the first time wife has done this.  Emily has received several  messages from her mother that take some explaining, such as "great" or "about time."

    The wind blew my compost bin apart.  I had to order a new one.  Luckily I took down the hanging plants and umbrella, 

    I had to iron a small table cloth today.  Easy peasy, except I don't iron much and had no idea where it was.  It had been in Julia's closet until last November, but I have not seen it since. 

    I found it, but it took a while.  The cloth is ironed and looking good.

    Last night I Googled "why do my feet itch at night."  They drive me nuts when I go to bed.  I have tried sprays, ointments, ant-itch creams.....nothing seems to help.

    But......two articles I read were about people with the same problem:  itchy feet at bedtime.  

    One doctor hypothesized that the person's socks were too tight, causing the blood vessels in the foot area to not get enough blood.  Once the socks were removed,  the blood vessels got the blood, expanded, and caused the itching.  Another person, not a doctor, said the same thing.

    So when I put on my gray socks today, I cut the elastic bands at the top.  My socks always leave a band mark on my legs and often my feet swell.  I have to wear my gray socks, because black socks don't look right with shorts.

    During the play, a couple of people even told me, "Dickow, your socks are too tight."

    Hopefully tonight my feet won't itch.

    But my socks sure look funny.

Peace and Love

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