Monday, August 15, 2022


 Life is fairly back to normal for me

    I don't remember the last time I went a whole day without looking at my script.  I admit, I was thinking about it today.  Lines keep popping into my head, but that will fade in time.

    Julia started work today.  She is working from home for a nationwide company.  I wanted to take her picture as she went to her first day of work, but she gave me the death stare.

    Don't ask me what she does.  She told me and I don't understand anything other than compliance.

    A big thank you to Nadine for taking me to the eye doctor today.  Normally, Julia or Emily would have, but Julia did not think it wise to take her first day off and Emily was working, so Nadine volunteered.

    My eyes were dilated, which makes it hard to see clearly for several hours afterward, and I would have been a hazard on the road.

    I did not take a nap today, but I sat on my porch chair with my eyes closed.  I did get a headache, and closing the eyes helped.  But I don't think I went to sleep.

    I had a rough night....I think due to the coffee I had yesterday.  

    I could not sleep, my back and leg hurt, and my feet itched like crazy.  I started out in bed, went to the chair, back to bed, back to my chair, and finally back to bed.

    Funny thing though, I sprayed my feet with an anti-itch powder and this morning there were footprint from the bedroom to the den.  I had to clean the floors.

    I am thinking about maybe looking for a new chair for the den.  This one is at least 15 years old and not as comfortable as it once was.

    Tomorrow is the big day for our new car seat.  Van goes up in the morning and will probably be there all day and most of Wednesday.  I just hope this solves our biggest problem of leaving the house:  getting Jackie safely in and out of the van.

    Sweet dreams.

Peace and Love

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