Saturday, August 6, 2022

old age

 I sometimes forget words

    I blame it on old age.  

    Tonight I hit a spot where I have said the right thing (once I learned to pronounce it correctly) for days.  Not this time!  I hit the word and it was gone out of my head.  TC said something like "that musical instrument"  and I knew what I wanted to say, but I could not get it out! 

    Eventually I said it.

    But that was scary!  Am I losing my mind?  Having a stroke?  Something else?

    It happened a couple of times today when I feel like I am saying the right word and nothing is coming out of my mouth.

    Maybe it is the lack of wine.  I have not had any for a while.  

    We had a small crowd tonight.  Whenever we do shows, we always say the Friday night crowds are laughers, the Saturday night ones chuckle, and Sundays are full of both kinds.  The theory is Friday night is the last work night and people are ready to blow off steam.  Saturday folks have spent the day doing chores and are a little less likely to do belly laughs.  Well see how the Sunday crew shapes up.

    That is pretty much my day these days.

    Matinee tomorrow.  Jackie's brother Bob and wife Anita are coming out and we are having a special dinner after  the show.  I will be ready to relax by then.

    Hopefully I sleep soundly again tonight.

    Peace and Love

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