Saturday, August 27, 2022

deja vu

 I think I have had this day before

    Mow the yard.  Yep, did that before.

    Groused at how the back yard looks.  Yep, did that before.

    Washed and folded sheets.  Yep.

    Washed and folded towels.  Yep.

    Had a flat front bike tire.  Yep.

    Ok, let's focus on the last part.  I just got the inner tube replaced and this morning the tire was flat.  I called the repair shop and he said there must be something in the tire or rim causing the problem.  So, I have to take my tire back.

    The last two days would have been great for me to ride around the block a couple of times.  I saw people on the bike path today and wished I could be doing that, but I can't with a flat tire and out of shape body.

    I did take Jackie to the market at Cypress House  today.  We walked up and down the street, buying some tissue box covers from friend and fellow Cubs fan Sue, some cookies for Julia to take to a friend's house in Chicago today, and some popsicles.  I had a chocolate peanut butter one and it was fantastic.

    The only downside was I was too late for bread.  Jen's bread sold out almost as soon as she unloaded it.

    Jackie enjoyed getting out and the seat really helped getting her in and out of the car.  We are still working on the best positions, but we are getting close.

    It was a beautiful day.  I hope you got to enjoy it because the next two days sound kind of yucky

    The drought in Europe is pretty bad.  They have found a Roman fort near Spain that has been underwater for hundreds of years.  The world is a mess.

    And yet some people don't believe there is a problem.  And the rest of us wonder what we can do to change it.  It is a frightening situation.

    Hopefully we can partially restore the balance.

Peace and Love


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