Wednesday, August 10, 2022

on line

 We have been having internet issues

    Several times  day the connection will disappear.  Once in a while we also lose phones and tv.

    I thought it was the lines, but I finally had the signal resent.  Nothing improved.  I had it resent again, or reresent, still nothing.  

    Digression:  resent, looks like resent.  As in, I think I resent that remark.  So should  resent be hyphenated?  And, mouth and south rhyme,,,,but youth doesn't.  Just saying.

    Back to my internet.  I finally called a human named John at Xfinity.  He ran some checks, resent (re-re-re-sent) the signal but the issues remained.  He said the likely problem was the modem, so  today I traded in the old for a new one and so far all seems ok.

    Jackie had a doctor appointment in DeKalb, so it was not just a trip for a modem.  I try to combine trips whenever possible to save money on gas.

    Perseid meteor showers tonight....but with the big moon and house lights, it might be hard to see a lot in the northeast sky.

    And finally.....278 views until I hit 250,000 for this blog.  That's a lot of love people, and I appreciate it.

Peace and Love

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