Saturday, August 13, 2022

1 to go

 One show left

    I am relieved and sad.  I enjoy hanging around with TC and Renee and the backstage posse, but I will be glad to be done.  It is tiring.

    I am proud of what we have done.  Especially me.  It is not easy at my age to remember a lot of lines, but I have done well for the most part.  TC is a youngster, so it is a lot easier for him.

    I sometimes don't hear entire conversations, but I thought I heard TC was now the age I was when we did the first Tuna.......back in 01.  Time for him to start looking for a new sidekick if they bring the first show back!

    Last night was weird.  I posted my blog, but I could not see it.  It was not on my home page, not on my news feed, not anywhere.  So I posted it again.  And again.  And again.  Linda said I posted it 4 times, but I still have not seen it!  What am I doing wrong?

    Our clothes drier has been acting up.  If you put it on normal dry, it turns off in about 10 minutes.  Same with delicates.  The only way it runs completely is on the timed dry setting.

    We had it looked at 2 weeks ago and the nice young man cleaned out the vent, checked connections and said he hoped that fixed it.  It did not.  When he came back he said it was the computer board that controlled the sensors.  Good news, easy fix.  Bad news, the drier is 10 years old and that part is no longer made.

    So....guess we will be looking for a washer and drier in the next few weeks.  In the mean time, I guess we will just keep running it on timed dry.  It's a pain, but I don't want wet clothes.

    A final note....I felt like crap most of the day.  I was up until about 3.  No matter where I tried to sleep, I could not.  I woke with a tremendous headache and a little dizziness.  We had planned to go to a memorial service for a dear lady, but I just could not.  I ended up going back to bed, sleeping until 10:30, then taking an hour nap in the afternoon. 

     My head feels better now, I just hope it does not come back.  Pretty sure it was weather related.

    And that's my story.

Peace and Love

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