Tuesday, August 16, 2022


 I hate mowing

    It pains me to say it, but I am beginning to hate mowing the yard.

    When I am done my body hurts, especially the knees.  I think sitting for that long gets them stiff.

    But the main reason is it never looks good.  I think I mow too short when the grass is long, and too long when the grass is short.  The rsult is a lawn that is uneven looking.  Very uneven looking.

    And I always run out of gas.  I thought I had plenty to do the yard, but half way through I was out of gas.  I had some in the garage, and you would think I would put the gas in before I start mowing.   But nooooooo.

    Mowing means trimming.  I have trouble using my trimmer.  The string never advances and I end up taking the head off and rewinding the string.  Today was an exception, as I did the trimming without any problem.

    Tomorrow I have to clean off the mower......I think it is a mess under the deck.  The grass was pretty long and I think it has clogged on the bottom.

    Early in the season I like mowing.  I ride, think, listen to music or a ball game, and it relaxes me.

    But late in the season, I think I have had my fill.  I bet I still have 5 more mowings left.... maybe more, depending on the rain.

    I took the van up to Rockford for the new seat.  They said it would be done by Friday.  I thought it would be sooner, but they thought I was getting it up there earlier in the day today.

    Which poses a problem.....not sure how I will get up there!

    Oh well, things work out.

Peace and Love

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