Tuesday, August 30, 2022

it ain't easy being me

 I ordered socks today

    I know!  You are tired of reading about my itchy feet!  I am tired of writing about them.

    Last night was a night with no itching.  I even slept better.

    So I ordered some socks today.

    I ordered 12 pairs.  They come in packs of 6.

    Here is the conversation I had with wife.

"I ordered socks.

What kind did you get?

I ordered black ones from a diabetic sock place.

Black ones?  I thought you wanted grey socks.

I did.

Then why did you order black?

I don't know.  I will see if I can change the order."

    And then I am thinking is this what I really want in the first place, so I tried to cancel the order and start over.

    I want socks I can wear with shorts.  But summer is almost over, so maybe I don't even need those yet.  I should try my black ones to see if they cause the same problem.

    I have trouble deciding things.  So I panic, and make a choice that is not what I wanted.  Oh well.

    Other than that, it was a pretty busy day.  I mowed, again.  Crushed cans.  Bagged up plastic bags.  Had tea on the porch and finished reading a book  Went over and introduced myself to the new neighbors.  Washed clothes.  Watched the new neighbors immediately put up a for sale sign.  Just kidding.  I met the guy and he seems nice  Strong handshake.

    It was a beautiful day and tonight is just great.  The days are getting shorter and the nights cooler, must be fall a knockin on the door.

Peace and Love

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