Monday, August 22, 2022

o crap

 I got a bike ride in today

    This was my third ride of the year.  I have gone from 1.4 miles, to 3.1 to 4.5 today.  I feel good about that since I have not been on the bike for a year.

    But, and there is always a butt, it was not a fun ride.

    I stopped to talk to my neighbor about life and we both agreed our road is crap.  The township put down an oil coating and then covered it with sand.  This is supposed to prolong the life of the road.

    As I left his house, I realized how heavy my legs were.  I was really pedaling hard the last part of the trip. It was an effort to get home.

    That is when I noticed my front tire was flat.  F L A T!  I was actually riding on the rim.  No wonder it was so hard!

    I went in the house and Jackie inadvertently reminded me of a childhood lesson I had long forgotten.  If you have a bike without fenders and you ride through water, you get spray up your back from the rear tire.

    My pants, shoes, socks, shirt and legs were covered in the sand and oil mix.  I went into the garage and took off my chothes then got into the shower to wash the dirt off.

    And yes, the garage doors were closed.

    I had a cheeseburger for supper and Jackie had a hamburger.  Julia does not like hamburgers.  She cooked her meal and asked where the salt and pepper grinders were.  They were not in the place they usually are.

    I used them yesterday and was positive I put them away.

    Trouble is, I put them away in the wrong place.  Took 5 minutes to find the suckers.  

    Kudos for putting them away, right?  I mean, you can't have everything in life.

    Now I have to fix the flat.  Or take it in to a bike repair shop, which will probably be the easiest for me.  

    Flat tire, dirty clothes, crappy road.....but it was still a good day.

Peace and Love

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