Sunday, May 1, 2022


 I have started doing Wordle

    I don't do it every day, although I try.  I usually get the word within 5 guesses.

    I guess I like word challenges.  I do some crsossword puzzles, but those are not so easy for me.  

    It's not the clues, it is the space in which to write the answers!  Sometimes the words are printed in small sizes, and the squares are even smaller.  Thjat makes it tough.

    I did buy a book of larger sized puzzles, but they seem to be too easy.  I can spend days on a good puzzle, and minutes on an easy one.  And I always do them in pencil because I know I make mistakes.

    During the last play I  was in, my line was something like:  "What's a 5 letter word for a female dog?  Middle letter is t."  I was working on a crossword puzzle.  Sometimes I get confused.  One night I said middle letter is B.  Another night I said the last letter was T.  I don't think the audience ever figured it out.

      I used to play on line Scrabble, but the website went to a subscription option to avoid ads.  I decided to play with the ads and I just can't.  Every other word entry gets a minute of advertising and it is just too frustrating.  And Jackie won't play at home because she does not like Scrabble.

    At my age I think it is important to keep the mind busy, as well as the body.  I have not been doing the body part very much.  I keep thinking it will be warm enough to start riding my bike, but it never seems to be.  I know people who ride in cool weather, but I just can't.  And I can't motivate myself to drive into town and walk in the inside comfort of the rec center. 

    So...that's it.  

    In keeping with the thoughts, here is the ending.

- - - - - an Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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