Tuesday, May 31, 2022

call me lefty

Here's another mystery of life that baffles me 

    Worked in the yard a little today.  Went to grab a pair of work gloves from my work glove box.

    Got a left one and a ......left one.

    Grabbed another.......also left.

    Took a third.....also left.

    Took a fourth....guess what it was.  Left, again!

    Fifth glove fit the right hand.

    How it is possible that I have so many left handed gloves and so few right handed?

    I did find a second right handed one, but evidently I ran over it with the mower because it only had 3 fingers and half a thumb.  I must not have been wearing it because I have all my fingers and thumb.

    I guess tomorrow I will be going through the box and throwing away gloves that don't have mates.  Then I will be sure to lose the left ones and have extra right ones.

    There are other problems that perplex me.  How can I wash all my socks and end up with one extra black one and one extra gray?  

    How can I wash a shirt only to have it come out with more spots than it went in with?

    Why can't I keep a dustpan in the garage without it disappearing?

    What happened to the 2016 World Series  Champion Cubs?

    How come I keep hitting return instead of shift when I type, which  causes me to insert lines in previous sentences?

    Life is full of mysteries.  What I need are solutions.

Peace and Love

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