Friday, May 20, 2022


 I did yard work today

    I am a little bit sore.  I trimmed, mowed and weeded with the weeding being the biggest reason for soreness.  Knees and back, and hands.  Getting old is a real pain!

    Of course, stepping into the whirling weed trimmer did not feel great, but there was no blood and no foul.

    Luckily I had put on long pants instead of shorts, even though it was warm.  I don't have any wound, but my left ankle is a little tender.  I just was not paying attention.

    I actually got a lot done because Julia was here to take care of Jackie for the more mundane tasks, like drinks, picking up stuff, and doing other errands that normally I would have to drop whatever I was doing and come into the house.  So I mowed non stop!  A rarity!!

    I am really messed up on time.  I keep thinking it is summer, but we have not hit Memorial Day yet.  I usually cut my perennials early in the spring, but I kind of lost track when spring was.  We had cold, then hot, then cold and the old growth looks terrible.  So I have been slowly removing all that.

    It is raining tonight.  But it is really weird.

    It seems to rain for a few minutes, then stop.  Five minutes later it rains again, and stops.  It is not a coninuous rain, but it is heavy.   Heavy for a few minutes, then it stops.


    I got up at 6 to take out the garbage this morning.  I was afraid it would blow away in the overnight storms that never happened.

    Because I was doing yard work, I did not get a chance to take a nap.  I am tired, but the Earl Gray I had at 4 might not have been a good idea.  It's a good tea, but caffeine that late may impact my ability to sleep.

    I hear Rip Van Winkle a bowlin' in the hollers........ in other words, it is thundering.

    Hopefully it will mean a night of gently rain for the yard and gardens.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.


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