Tuesday, May 10, 2022


 I can't believe how hot it is

    It was 91 when I came back today from a trip to Oregon.  That is the city, not the state.

    I thought of going out to do a little weeding, but it was 91!  It's early May!!!

    Funny story, sort of.

    I was meeting people for a check presentation for the Rochelle Area Community Foundation.

    The building had a doorbell to ring to gain entry.

    The note on the door said, "Ring bell above branch."

    So I started looking for a branch, a bush or even a stick.  Nothing.  I kept looking, then went back to the sign.  "Ring bell above branch."  I started looking again, then thought something was not right.  (OK, normal people would have realized that right away.....but it was 91!)

    I went back and read the sign for the third time:  "Ring bell above bench."  Sure enough, there is a bench and there is a bell.  Hot damn.

    Oregon has a sweet shop that sells gelato.  All day I was dreaming of some lemon, or maybe chocolate, gelato.  But the shop was closed.  Lights were on, a person was behind the counter, but the door was locked.

    So I stopped at a drive in that had ice cream because my mind was set on having something cold because it was 91!

    I walked in to order and ran into four friends from Rochelle!  Both couples ended up in the same place at the same time and then I came in.  So I had a nice chat with Steve and Debby and Jean and Bill, who wanted me to make sure I said hello to Emiy for him.

    Tonight we had a meeting for Tuna Does Vegas and Julia had to get the TV running.  I think she ended up coming down 4 times because it kept shutting off.  Her legs may be a little tired in the morning because she went swimming today too.

    So....tnat's about it.  Hot, steamy, and storms possible.  Good grief.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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