Wednesday, May 18, 2022


 I may have finished my garden

    The veggies are all planted,  the hoses are set up.  Now all I have to do is figure out how to program the suckers.

    I can use my cellphone to do that, but so far it has confused me.  I hope I figure it out by tomorrow

    I also realized I made a huge mistake.

    I ordered 130 prairie plugs for my new addition.  Problem is, I ordered the wrong number.

    The plot is 6 x 40.    They recommend one plant per square foot.  I  needed 240 plants!  I was thinking 6 x 20, which is what the two plots I have each measure.  I even had about 200 plants on the original list, but downsized that because I did not need that many.

    Damn.  130 would be ok for 6 x 20. Oh well.  Just have to order more.

    I took some time to go through my posts from last fall, thinking I would find a hint about the missing hose.  Friend Pam suggested that.

    I didn't find a reference, but I found lots of memories.

    Especially of Corki.  And Switzerland.  

    It made me realize how lucky I have been in life.  I have a wonderful family,  I have traveled, I have a roof over my head, I have great friends, and for a little over 6 years I had an amazing dog.

    Time is short, indeed.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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