Sunday, May 22, 2022


I am glad it was Sunday 

    Most calendars in the US have Sunday as the first day of the week, but many European calendars have it as the last day.

    That can be confusing to old folks who just look at the space and assume Sunday is the first day, but they are writing in a calendar where Sunday is the last day.  Not hat I have ever done that.

    I like to think of it as the last day of the week. 

    In keeping with that, here are some highlights of the week.

    Friends from Tennessee stopped in to say hello.  Pat and Mike moved a while ago and were "up north" for some family events and celebrations.  It was great to see them, even if it was only for a little while.

    I spent two days weeding my flowers around the house and now my back hurts.  Big Brother Carl pointed out I was 74 and should not be overdoing it.

    I had my first salmon of hte summer.  Grilled it, seasoned with a little rosemary, and enjoyed  it for 2 meals.  Also read a guide to salmon and it said avoid Atlantic salmon because they have the most fat and chemicals from the environment.  The guide suggested sockeye as the best.

    I burst into tears twice.  I was weeding today and looked at the empty porch.  Corki would sit out there, or lay out there, as I worked. When I was grilling, I pictured her standing right next to me, waiting for something to fall.  I miss her so much.  We all do.

    I paid a hospital bill from my 2017 procedure.  I had a couple of stents inserted and the bill came today....almost 5 years to the date.  My share was $138, the total was over $43,000,  I debated calling insurance, but then I would be on the phone with them, then the hospital, then insurance, then the I just said the heck with it and paid it.  It saved me that much in aggravation.  

    I picked up my native plants.  I have 105, but I need about 120 more.  I will go through the list and see what is available for me to buy and plant...bit they were out of some of the ones I originally ordered.

    I thought about getting my bike down.....but that is as far as I got.

    I delivered the martin house to the theater group.  The new theater is right next to a creek and I think that will help draw nature's best mosquito eaters to the house.

    I also delivered some clothes to the resale shop.  Jackie has been going through her side of the closet and discarding clothes that no longer are needed.

    Weed whacked my ankle, but no damage was done.

    So......that is about it for highlights..  

    This coming week I plan to finish weeding, plant the natives I have, set up my herb garden and ride my bike.  

    Time will tell.

Peace and Love     Pray for Ukraine

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