Saturday, May 14, 2022


This was kind of a weird day 

    The power went out.  Twice.  Not for long, but enough to shut the computer down.

    Then cable went out.

    The weather forecast called for a 40 percent chance of rain and we did not have a cloud all day.  There don't seem to be any tonight, either.

    Jackie and I went to a memorial service in DeKalb  for a friend who passed away a few months ago.

    She was such a sweet person.  Her son gave a eulogy and said when his mother was told she was dieing, she said, "I thought I would have more tme."  For some reason, those words struck me because I always think I have more time, but in fact none of us knows, do we?  So make the most of the time you have.

    My new native area got tilled today, so now all I have to do is plant 120 plugs.  I do have to make 120 holes, but all in good time.  

    I now have 26 items on my to do list.  I have to stop thinking about things I have to do.   Make that 27.

    We had a nice supper from Teca.  I went to buy some cookies for dessert, but the place in Sycamore was closed.  So I went to a bakery and bought canoli.  8 of them.  I guess I thought everyone would like them, but I seem to have 6 left.

    Finished the night with some cutthroat euchre.

    Now that I write this, I wonder.  A eulogy sounds right.  An eulogy doesn't.  A euchre deck of cards sounds right.  An euchre deck of cards doesn't.

    I guess the rule of using an before words starting with vowels doesn't always apply.

    Like I said, a weird day.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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