Thursday, May 26, 2022


 Are you experienced?

    Jimi Hendrix asked us that 55 years ago this month!   Holy crap!  Where did those years go?

    I got my hair cut (actually, my hairs) the other day and when I got home I looked in the mirror and wondered where my blond hair went!  It is mostly white....and I don't like the look.

    Working in the garden the last few days has really been a stress on my body.  My back hurts, my knees hurt, my hands hurt.......gardening seems to be more painful than relaxing.

    I am in the process of getting help.  But, and there is always a but, deep down inside I think I can do it and I want to do it, so I have not asked for help before.  Then I got to thinking, we have someone who comes in and cleans the house, what's the difference beetween that and someone helping me "clean" the outside?

    A younger me would be good with the work, but the real me is not having fun.

    Now that my native garden is almost fully planted, I keep thinking of what is next.  I would like a metal, life size bison to stick in the garden, but I have not found one I can afford on line.  Jackie just rolls her eyes when I mention it.

    I talked to a local realtor today and he said the lot next to us will probably have a house on it by Christmas.  In some ways, I hope it does not happen.  The lot has not been mowed completely this year and the grass is about 1 foot hight.

    Now, that does not bother me one bit.  In fact, I love watching it "wave" in the breeze, much like early settlers would have done in the 1800s.  And red wing blackbirds nest in the tall grass, plus deer bed down in it some nights.

    When we moved into this house I thought of buying that lot.  At the time it was $32,000.  Now that seems like a bargain as it is listed in the $50,000 range.  I guess that is supply and demand at work....the less lots there are to build on, the more expensive those lots become.

    I'll miss the emptiness once a house is built.  I just hope the new neighbors are as nice as the people already here.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.  Pray  the families in Texas.


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