Wednesday, May 11, 2022


 I turned 74 today

    Ye gads, I never thought that would happen.

    Age sneaks up on you and suddenly you are no longer young.  Instead, someone is feeding you pablum and blotting your chin while you sit curled up in a chair and covered by a white blanket, muttering words to songs that no one else has ever heard.

    Anyway, I did have a good birthday.

    I mowed the yard, doing it fairly early so the 90+ temps were still an hour or two away.  I also sprayed for weeds.  I have some horribly smelling weeds that when I mow them they reek.  I think, but am not sure, they are garlic mustard.  It's a highly invasive plant and it seems to be invading my yard.

    Talked to my nephew and his wife in Switzerland, and my brother in law and his wife in Florida, which was also nice.

    I also went to the local Starbucks to get my free birthday coffee.  Normally I go to Cypress House, but this free coffee is good only on my birthday and I  was not going to DeKalb or Rockford, so I got it here.  I ordered a white chocolate peppermint frappachino and it was good on a hot day.

    Emily, Julia, Jackie and I had a delicious supper from Acres Bistro and followed that with some slices of Portillo's chocolate cake.  Kevin, Jen and Sam  stopped over and Sam seranaded me on her guitar with Happy Birthday, in English and Spanish.

    Throw in a Cub win and it was a pretty good day.

    Mr. Torres, my eighth grade teacher at Reavenswood Elementary, would have appreciated my lesson learned today.  I was in town for a meeting and it absolutely poured rain for about 10 minutes.

    When I got home, I mentioned that Siri was wrong on no rain today and Jackie and Julia looked at me like I was nuts.  It did not rain at our house.  Not a drop.  Nada.  Zilch. 

    I went to school one day and told Mr. Torres it was weird because it was raining on one side of the street but not the other.

    He looked at me and said, "Terry, rain has to start and stop someplace."  

    I guess I had never considered that.

    I wish I had looked him up later in my life and thanked him.

    I closed the day by looking at the Facebook greetings people sent and was truly humbled.  I thank everyone for their greetings,

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine. 

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