Saturday, May 7, 2022


 What a super nice day today 

    I think we all needed this day.

    Sunshine, a little warmth, moderate winds......felt pretty darn good.

    I mowed and trimmed, third mowing of the year and first trimming.  I don't like trimming.  I try to avoid it whenever possible.

    I hate to jinx myself, but my sleep the last three nights has been pretty good.

    I now lay on top of the blanket, but cover myself with a throw.  My feet are not covered and I actually sleep!  Yes, I do get up once or twice for various reasons, but I am waking up refreshed.

    Maybe my feet just get too hot under a blanket.  In any case, I will continue  that until it no longer works.

    We had show number 6 tonight.  If you have not seen Our Town, you only have tomorrow at 2.  I plan to stay for the whole show, because I leave so early I have not had  a chance to watch the story unfold.

    Jackie is not sure if she is going.  The show runs about 3 hours.  I have to be there an hour and a half early, which puts Jackie in her wheelchair for almost 5 hours.  I don't think she can be comfortable in the chair for that long, and I  think she feels the same way.  But this will be a game time decision.

    That is another bummer about MS.  It is so life altering, from the restaurants you dine at to the friends you visit.  It's a real pain in the ass, to be honest.

    Please consider donating to the MS Society of Illinois.  There are a lot of walks this time of year but you can always visit the website to make a donation and hopefully, a difference.

    Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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