Tuesday, May 17, 2022


 Sometimes my mind astounds me

    Pittsburgh Pirates have a player named Dan Vogelbach.   I said to Jackie, he played for the Cubs at one time.

    So I Googled the Pirates roster, clicked on his name, and sure enough!  Cubs signed him in 2011, he played with them until 2016, mostly in the minors but with a couple of major league call ups,  then he was moved to another team.

    If I remember, he was playing first base and the Cubs realized they already had a first baseman in Anthony Rizzo, so they traded him. 

    Why do I remember that, but I can not remember what happened to the hose I bought last year!  This was one of those expensive coils up when you turn off the water type that I used for porch plants.

    I swear I put it away.  But it is nowhere in the garage.  Not that my garage is that clean a cursory glance would locate it, but it is not there.

    I found the martin house I thought would be put up in my back yard 9 years ago.  I found three tank sprayers, a couple of animal traps, some orange vests for people picking up trash along the roadside, and other odds and ends.  But no hose.

    Understand:  my entire afternoon was based on finding that hose!

    Jackie had a hair appointment so I was there until almost 3.  When I got home I spent time trying to find the hose and also trying to disconnect two hoses so I could use one of them on the garden.  As hard as I tried, I could not disconnect them.

    So I decided to read for a few minutes on the front porch.  I got a blanket out of the car, picked up the mail, sat in my chair.....and slept for about 90 minutes.  Julia woke me at 6:15.

    It just confuses me that I can remember something from 10 years ago but not last year.

    Did that hose develop a leak and I tossed it?  Is it in a secret spot?  Did I put it in the basement?

    Time may tell.

    Meanwhile, if you would like a purple martin house, let me know.  It's dinged a little, but should still attract those prolific mosquito eaters.

Peace and Love   Pray for Ukraine

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