Thursday, May 12, 2022


 I have been doing Wordle

    I don't post my scores.  I usually get the right answer in four tries, but sometimes three and once in a great while, two.  And five and six. But the majority is 4.

    I do it to keep my mind active.  Like I don't have enough to keep my mind active.

    I don't want to give away any answers, but I am going to.

    Spoiler alert.

    A few days ago I had to go to six.  Even at 6, the word did not make sense.

    The answer was canny.  It looked funny, sounded funny, and I realized it is because I don't hear it very often.  

    Usually I hear uncanny.  But canny is a word.  It was canny of them to include it.

    I will try to use that word once in a while in daily conversations with myself.

    The heat wave continued today.  I think it was 94 or so in Rochelle.  It is really strange to see daffodils when it is so hot!  Usually they come up in the spring and are gone by the time the temps hit 80.  Not this year.

    I hope, really hope, to get the gardens planted this weekend.  It is supposed to be cooler and not rain Sunday and Monday, so I plan to get my hands dirty and the veggies started.

    We got our bill from the vet for Corki's surgery.  I called to pay it and the tech who took my call was the one who was with Corki at the end.

    She said she stroked her, comforted her, talked to her....all the things Jackie and I should have been doing.

    I told her thank you and said I felt guilty about not being there.  She said I shouldn't, no one expected that to end the way it did.

    Other people have said the same thing.  But, and that's a big but, in my mind what they say doesn't matter.  I should have been there. 

    Today marks 5 weeks and to be honest, there isn't a day I don't cry.  I just can't seem to get past it.

    Wow....that was a downer.

    Keep cool out for storms.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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