Saturday, May 21, 2022

a world tour

 I am currently on a world tour

    I dicovered you don't actually have to leave the house to experience the world.

    For example, I just finished reading a blog from my friend Lady C in England.  Then I looked at some pictures from Switzerland.  Scrolling through a couple of French websites, I thought about the wine I was drinking from Moldova.  And we had pizza for supper.

    I have travelled half way around the world and have not left my house.

    Isn't the internet amazing?

    The wine was a birthday present from the girls.  It is a 12 pack of bottles  from around the world.  These are not regular size bottles, but half size.  There is one wine from Moldova, which has a robust, hearty flavor and a great  bouquet.  The others are from Spain, Italy and France, as far as I can tell.

    Moldova is located just west of Ukraine, which has been in the news a little lately.

    Moldova is a small country, less than 3 million people, 

    Two websites said it is best known for its world class wine and its ancient monestaries.

    Who knew?  I mean about the wines.  

    Next time I go into a wine store I will look for some from there just to experience different tastes.

    In the mean time, I learned that England no longer has the vast oak forests it used to have.  In fact, folks there are being encouraged to plant trees in honor of the Queen and oaks are being touted.

    I have a burr oak in my yard.  This tree will take a couple of hundred years to fully mature.  Jackie asked me why I planted such a slow growing tree.  (I also planted one on the Skare Court land about 30 years ago.)

    I told her we don't plant trees for us, we plant them for future generations.

    I like to think that in 100 years some kids will be playing under, or climbing on my burr oak.  And squirrels, maybe an owl, will be occupants of the higher branches.

  I promise not to yell at them.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.



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