Monday, May 23, 2022


 I can't believe I am drinking hot chocolate writing this

    I don't know if this is spring, summer or fall...we seem to have had all of them in the past two weeks.

    It is in the mid 50 outside.  I spent time working in the garden and was chilled to the bone.

    (Note:  not to be confused with the 70s hit Bad to the Bbbbone.)

    Julia made tacos for supper, did the dishes, and took care of Jackie while I was out planting prairie plugs. 

    I got a late start today because I went to DeKalb.  I had some dry cleaning to drop off, which we forgot to do last Thursday when we were in DeKalb.  I mainly wanted to buy an almond  colored downspout, but could not find one in the big box store.  I guess I will have to call the gutter guys and see if I can get one from them.

    Also on my list was a specific plant to go with my salvias.  They did not have that either.

    So I stopped at a grocery store.

    I was gone nearly 3 hours by the time I got home!  How can it take so long to accomplish so little?


    I noticed gas in DeKalb was over $5 a gallon in several places.  Holy crap.

    I should sleep well tonight....tired, cold, and ready for bed already.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine

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