Monday, May 30, 2022


 I need to stop with the dreams

    It's great I am sleeping at night......but holy cow.

    Last night I dreamt we had worms in the back yard.

    Nothing odd about that, you say.

    But these worms lived in big round holes, were accordian shaped, had huge heads and mouths full of teeth.  Plus they could leap.

    I would throw potato chips at them and they would catch them in mid air!  They could devour an entire person in just a few minutes.

    Someone was approaching the worm field and I tried to warn them but they kept going and the worms jumped on them.

    Then I woke up.

    But, and there is always a big butt, when I went back to bed the worms had moved from the back yard to my bed!  (In my new dream, of course.  Not in real life!) I could see these accordian shaped flesh eating creatures moving inside the mattress.

    Jackie did not believe me at first, but I made her stand and watch them and sure enough....the covering over the mattress moved up and down as the worms moved about.

    Some people came and took the mattress.....and I woke up.

    If I could write a novel, I might use the worm things as the force that scientists warn will kill people.  But everyone ignores the scientists.  Sound familiar?

    When I mowed today I paid special attention to the back of the yard, but I saw  no huge holes and no accordian shaped worms.  But just because I did not see them  doesn't mean they don't exist.

    Sleep your step outside.

Peace and Love

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