Sunday, May 15, 2022


 Something got done today

    I am not saying a lot got done, but some things got done.

    Julia went to a garden center this week and I told her what perennials I wanted.  But I told her wrong.

    I wanted 4 white impatiens and 4 red.  For some reason I told her 8.  For another reason, she got 16 of each.  I remember telling her 16, but I meant total.  I planted some today, but not all of them.

    Then I went to a store and bought 2 Italian oregano herbs.  I only wanted 1.  I thought I was buying thyme, but I goofed.

    It's going to be a rough gardening season!

    My native expansion was tilled yesterday, so I am ready to plant once I get the plants.

    I had planned to spend most of the afternoon outside, but there was a steady drizzle that made me wet and uncomfortable.  Luckily I got my Christmas tree burned before it started raining.  One job done.

    The Cubs won, which was nice.  I watched a little, but was busy outside for most of the game.  For some reason they are not as interesting to me these days.

Peace and Love.   Pray for Ukraine

I love aliums

This is what happens when you sit on a butane torch

The tree went fast

In the native garden

In the native garden

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