Sunday, May 29, 2022

Lost and found

 Sometimes I just don't understand myself

    I did some laundry yesterday.  I washed, dried and folded a nightgown of Jackie's.  Last night when she went to bed, I got out a nightgown and noticed I was missing one.

    I know I had folded it and set it on the bed yesterday.  

    But it wasn't in her drawer, in my drawer, with the towels or sheets, still in the drier or anywhere I looked.  

    I eventually texted Linda to see if I gave it to Dan when I got him his coat.

    Then I found the dirty wash.

    Evidently I never washed it and the 30 minutes or so I spent looking for it were wasted.

    Then I could not find my car keys.  I have an app called Tile that helps me locate keys, but it kept telling me the keys were out of range....whatever the hell that means.

    I walked all around the signal, no keys.

    I asked Julia to help me and the locator led us out to the back yard, by the gardens.  But that made no sense since I had not been out there since I drove the car.

    I mentally backtracked my day Saturday and Friday. I picked up more plants Friday, and it was raining, so I checked my rain jacket and there were my keys!  Go figure!  Only an hour wasted on that little hunt.

    I need to stick to a routine on where I put things so I quit wasting time looking for them.

    Last night I had a dream involving me having a 111.7 (yes, it was that specific!) temperature and my car towed because I left a bulldog in the car in freezing weather.  Crazy, I know!

    But at least I slept....and I am grateful for that.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

And pictures.

These are my plants in front this week!




These beetles are by my back door every night!  Last night there were hundreds of them.  And I can't figure out how I turned the underline on, how I got blue, or how to get rid of it .   Or the bugs.

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