Monday, May 9, 2022


 I want to get some goats

    Mowing the yard is killing me!  So far I have put 7 gallons of gas in the mower and have mown 4 times.  I ws in the middle of a project today and the damn mower ran out of gas.

    Of course, I did not have a spare gallon, so I had to drive into town to buy some.  I filled up 2 2 gallon cans, and I hope I can get a couple of mowings out of that.

    I know, my fault for having a big yard.  If I could, I would plant natives in one third of the back yard and never mow it.  But I have a feeling more people than Jackie would complain about that.

    That's where goats would come in handy.  I could keep them in the garage at night and put them on long leads and let them munch happily across the back yard.

    Strange feelings tonight.  Not going to play practice or a performance felt odd, like I was forgetting something.

    It also felt funny grilling out and not have Corki keeping me company.  It still hurts.

    The wind has been gusting all day.  At one point, my grill moved from the corner to the top of the stairs!  Not only do the wheels not seem to lock anymore, I can't find a place out of the wind.  I took some bricks and wedged then under the wheels, I hope that keeps it on the deck.

    I put the air conditioning on today in anticipation of tomorrow's 87 or 91 degree day.  I am beginning to think I can pack up the hats, gloves, scarves and put away the winter coats.  At the same time, I can find my shorts.  I put them away last November when I took out my winter clothes.  I might need them this week.

    Other than that, life is pretty normal around here.  I just hope I can get some riding in this bike is still hanging in the garage.

    Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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