Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Uh oh.....

I have a new mystery to solve 

    I will get to that in a minute.

    All I can say is, "Thank heavens for neighbors who know what they are doing."

    My golf cart was brought back today.  Turns out, all that needed to be done was to fill the batteries with water and charge them.  No new battereies needed, which saved us a bundle of money.

    I took Emily's cart back to her house.  Before I did, I checked the batteries.  They were also low on water.  Not empty, but low.

    I got my distilled water, made a makeshift funnel, and tried to fill the batteries.  That did not work.

    So I got our turkey baster, and started filling them by squeezing up water, squeezing it out.  That was taking quite a long time.  Think of it....6 batteries, 4 cells in each battery.

    But, I was determined.

    In  the mentime neighbor Jim came over to see how I was doing.  He suggested l use the hose and bulb that I would use on my cart.

    Result?  Done in a couple of minutes.

    I learned each cell has to have water.  If you fill one cell, it will not flow into another, leveling out all the cells.  I never knew that.

    At some point I wandered over to their house to talk and his wife joined the conversation.

    Here's the mystery.

    It was their yard where I found my Christmas tree, lodged under the pines of their neighbor's pine trees.

    Seems recently the two houses were out talking and the one lady commented that it was strange that their Christmas tree disappeared from their yard overnight!

    In other words, I might have stolen their dead Christmas tree!

    But it looks sio much like mine, perhaps theirs is the one in the field down the srreet.

    In any case, Eileen said nothing about me dragging the tree back to my house.

    Now there are two mysteries:  Whose tree is it?  Where did their tree go?  Where did my tree go?

    I guess that is 3 mysteries.

    This will not be a problem next year.

    We bought an artificial tree.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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