Monday, May 16, 2022


 I know what my problem is

    Every time I do something on my list, I realize I have to do another task to accomplish the task I want to do!

    Make sense?

    For instance.  I put the cushions on the chairs on the front porch.  I notced the chairs are pretty dirty.  Two of them need to have some protective oil applied.

    I did one task, but added:  washing the chairs; preserving the chairs.  

    I would have done more by not putting out the cushions!  

    That being said, I did get most of the garden planted today.  Julia helped.  We put in peas, green beans, cucumbers, two pepper plants and two tomato plants.

    I ran out of stakes to mark where stuff goes, so tomorrow I have to get some stakes and finish off by planting carrots and Italian beans.  

    Then I have to set up my watering system.  That is actually one of my jobs on the to do list.  It should be easier this year because I think I know what I am doing.  I think.

    At some point this week I would like to get the patio furniture out.  At least I don't have to do anything to that except put it in place.  I applied three coats of teak oil to the furniture last fall, so it should be looking good all year.

    I will be able to sit outside on the deck with a glass or two of pink or red and enjoy the evening.  Maybe.

    I got to see the eclipse last was pretty darn neat!  It seems every time we have an event like that there are clouds, so last night was special.  Julia and I checked frequently and Jackie even rolled out to take a look.  

    I can't imagine the fear primitive people would have had when their moon or sun  started to disappear.  That must have caused quite a stir at some point in time.  

    And we solved the impatiens and salvia abundance question.  I told Julia 4 plants of each.  She bought 4 containers of  each, with each container having 4 plants.  She was thinking I wanted 4  containers.  

    I have planted some....still have some more to plant.

    The big news....Exit 99 will be doing a show in mid June.  I will keep you posted.

Peace and Love     Pray for Ukraine

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