Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 I mowed today

    I about froze!  I thought yesterday was cold. but man alive, I was chilled to the bone again today.

    I came in the house and took a hot, hot shower.  Then I put my pajamas on and ate supper.  I still can't get warm!

    But today I did put down cardboard and layered mulch around my native plants.  I think I lost a couple....two of them don't look very good.

    I still need about 30 plants to finish....hopefully I can get over to Creston Friday and see what they have.

    It usually takes me 90 minutes to mow.  Tonight I did it in 61!  Julia was in the house so I did not have to stop every few minutes to check for phone calls from Jackie.  Plus, Julia got her supper so I did not have to stop for that.

    The cold and the little droplets of moisture that hit me in the face did make me mow a little faster, but having someone with Jackie is a huge help.

    I ordered 5 yard of mulch.  I have used about half of it on the native garden, so I have plenty to do around trees and around the house.

    I have a habit of doing something then getting distracted and starting something else.  That almost happened to me today.  My burr oak in the back yard needs mulch around it and I thought about doing that but I told myself NO!  Finish what you are doing, I said.  Then mulch all the trees at one time.

    That does make sense.  I am glad I listened to me.

    If everyone listened to me it would be a much better world.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.  Pray for the victims in Texas.

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