Thursday, May 19, 2022


 Usually I am late for everything, but not today

    Jackie had a doctor appointment in DeKalb today, and we had asked a former co-worker and her husband to meet us at Ollie's.  (Those not familiar with the name, Ollie's is a frozen custard stand in Sycamore.  For years it was in DeKalb, but moved a while ago.  Great custard.)

    We said around noon, because the appointment was 11.  Figured plenty of time.

    Turns out thry could not make it, so we planned to hit Ollie's anyway.

    We got there about 10 minutes to 12 and there was no line. No one waiting at the walk up window, where I intended to order my  Black Forest sundae.  No one waiting in the drive thru line, where Jackie would have ordered a cone if the window was closed.

    In fact, there was no one inside the stand because they don't open until 1.

    No custard for us!

    We were on time for her doctor appointment, early for the library board meeting, and in general had a great day.

    I ran the dishwasher last night.  I run it at night and empty it in the morning 90 percent of the time.

    Tonight I grilled some salmon for me and a couple of small steaks for Julia and Jackie. That took 2 plates.  Pulled the steaks off the grill.  Another plate.  Pulled the salmon off the grill, plate number 4.  Served dinner...plates 5, 6, 7 and I have to run the dishwasher again!

    Holy cow, we are going through dishes like water!

    Thank heavens for the dishwasher.

    Another windy day with storms coming in the early morning.  I hate night storms.  I don't much like day storms, but I am more of a nervous nelly at night. 

    I also dread taking out the fear is it will blow over and away.  I may just get up at 6 and take it out then.  Maybe.  

    Decisions, decisisons.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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