Friday, May 13, 2022


 I need some motivation

    I make lists of things I need to do.  right now I have 19 items on the list.  

    Some are small, like tightening a screw or two.

    Others are large, like planting 120 prairie plugs in my expanded new native garden plot.

    Some need to be done now, some are do when ever.

    I just can't seem to get motivated.

    The screw tightening thing....should take me 2-3 minutes.  Just don't feel like doing it.

    It's a vicious circle.  I don't do things, I get upset and overwhelmed, so I don't do things.  Then I get upset.  When I am upset I make some tea and have a couple of cookies.

    I think I have gained 10 pounds in the past 2 weeks.  Holy crap!  I have not been to the zoo in a little over 2 years and when I put on my zoo pants today I could barely button them!  I was afraid they would pop and break a I took them off and put on different pants.

    Julia took me to DeKalb today because I had an eye appointment.  They dilated my eyes, which makes it hard to drive on a sunny day.  

    I  sat in the waiting area listening to the music.  It was all 60s and 70s stuff.  Then I looked around and realized why.  There was hardly anyone there under 60! This was the music we grew up with, but some of the 70s stuff I never liked as much as the 50s and 60s.  

    I don't know why, but I always think a doctor's office would be a great place to sleep.  Neutral colors, quiet, background noise that masks voices.   If it wasn't a doctor's office I would even be relaxed.

    Emily gave us our booster shots yesterday.  My arm is a little sore today.  But no other side effects. 

    I did not cry or faint when she gave me the shot.  I am thankful for little things like that.

    Just thought of a couple of chores for my to do list.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.


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