Tuesday, May 3, 2022

where's the sun?

 Holy cow, what a miserable day today was

    Cold, rainy, windy, raw.....pick a word that describes it best.

    I am surprised the Cubs and Sox are playing tonight....I think the fans in the stands should get free food just for being there.

    Jackie had a doctor appointment in Rolling Meadows.  The Queen of Botox gave darling a series of shots designed to ease her spasticity.  It seems to help, but MS is such an unpredictable disease.  

    Usually we stop at a Portillo's for food, but we were not very hungry.  A stop at Starbucks gave us some nourishment for the ride home.

    I asked Jackie what she wanted for supper.  She finally decided on a sandwich she can get at a grocery store in DeKalb.  But when I went in to get one, they told me there were not enough staff  available to open the sandwich stand.

    We ended up going to Panera's and I thought I ordered her a salad and me a flat bread pizza.

    When we got home we discovered 2 surprises.

    Her order was a sandwich, not a salad, but it was made of salad ingredients.

    Second surpise:  Julia brought home Yin Chens from DeKalb.

    I ended up eating the sandwich and now have a beef dish and a flat bread pizza for supper the next 3 nights.

    I am fine with that, es;ecially with rehearsals and the final 4 performances of Our Town taking up nights and Sunday afternoon for the rest of this week.

    I do need to start planting my veggie garden....but it just seems a little too damp to do that.  Maybe Saturday.  Or Sunday.

    In any case, I think tomorrow brings more of the same.  And Thursday. And Friday.

    I need the sun.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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