Wednesday, June 1, 2022


 A lot of gardening work was done today

    And not all of it by me....I had very capable help with Sheri doing a lot of the work.

    It was not an easy day, by any means.

    I wear old pants and shirts to work outside and I use suspenders on the pants.

    For some reason, I damn near killed myself this morning when one of the suspenders got caught in the leg of my pants and wrapped itself around my crotch.   I had to hop around like an idiot until I could fnd a place to sit.

    Something bit me on the wrist and it itched terribly.

    I was weeding around a tree an noticed I was covered in bigger black ants!  On my pants, shirt, arms......I jumped up and brushed them off as quickly as I could.  Some even ended up in my hair.

    I forgot to put suntan cream on and my ears might be burnt.  It was cloudy when we started, but the sun came out later and I just forgot.  Yes, I know I should put it on when it is cloudy, but I don't think of it.

    Jackie and I went for blood tests this morning for our quarterly check up.

    I set the alarm for 7:30.  That way we could get there a little after 9 and then I could eat.  I can't go long without food. I get grouchy.  I had to fast for 12 hours so I had nothing to eat after 9 p.m.

    I got up at 6:45 to use the bathroom and went back to bed.  I must have fallen asleep, because I heard the cuckoo chime once, which it does on the half hour. The clock is off 5 minutes or so, so I stayed in bed, thinking the alarm would go off in a few minutes.   I fell back asleep.

    The next time I heard the cuckoo it was chiming 8, then  9, then 10!  I woke up Jackie, who usually wakes me at 8:30, and we made it to the hospital for tests just before 11:30

    I was hungry.

    Sheri was coming at 1 and we finally got home about  12:15, only to find her there and already weeding.  

    I got Jackie's lunch, turned her over to Julia, grabbed a beef stick and joined the fun.

    By the way, the Exit 99ers met last night to plan our June 17 show.  It will be a fun  one!  Tickets are $20 because it is a fundraiser for VCCT.  Hope to see many of you there.

Peace and Love    

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