Sunday, August 1, 2021

Hoot, Hoot

I had a bit of a scare last nigh

    Corki usually goes out around 9:30.  For some reason, she did not want to go out last night.

    I like going out then because I can look at the stars or the moon.  It's a meditation time for me also.  A time to reflect.  

    When I take Corki I turn on the porch lights and go with her.  Without her, I just go out in the dark.

    Last night I went out and was standing in the dark on the sidewalk.  I heard a rustling sound and looked up and a huge bird swooped down off the top of the house!  Me being the ever astute person figured it was an owl.  When it left the roof it made a rustling sound, but I could not hear it when it flapped or flew after that.

    Quite startling.  I wonder if it was staking out the house and just waiting for Corki to wander out in the dark.  Or maybe it was looking for rabbits or ground squirrels...there are some of those in the yard.

    Now I will go first and look toward the roof, just to be safe.

    Had a nice chat with Julia today; Emily and John are feeling better; worked at the theater for a while; and cooked a couple of small steaks for supper while sipping a mojito.  It is a beautiful night out there, but there is a hint of smoke in the air, which I assume is coming from the fires out west.  Reminds me a bit of camping trips with my friends in November.

    Here's hoping the West gets rain.  Soon.  

    We were laying in bed last night and the rain poured down....for about 30 seconds.  Then it stopped.  My rain gauge had about 1/10th of an inch....not much good for anything.

    By tghe way...gauge is weird. It starts the same as gauze but has a totally different pronounciation, which is why I always spell it incorrectly.

    At least that is my excuse.

Peace and Love

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