Friday, August 6, 2021

What ????

 Today just slipped past

    We spent the morning making telephone calls to agencies that provide home care.  We have some people to talk to about it, and hopefully we can put together a plan for when I am gone.

    Then I went shopping.  

    Actually, I went to the little Mexican grocery store looking for coconut water.  Jackie likes to have pineapple smoothies made with coconut water.  I bought the pineapple, but WM was out of coconut water.  So was the little Mexican store.

    Now I wonder, is there going to be a shortage of coconut water?  Should we start rushing to the stores and snapping up what is left?  Where does this madness end???

    I bought 3 dozen ears of corn, husked them, boilded them, cut them off the cob and Jackie bagged them.  We ended up with 3 1 gallon bags, which are now in the freezer.

    Last year I would buy 2 dozen, we would freeze one dozen, and eat the rest.  This year it just seemed easier to buy 3 dozen at a time and take care of them.  I'll do the same next Friday, because we don't rehearse on Fridays and doing the corn does tire me out.

    It rained for about 10 seconds today.....and it seems the storms are all north of us tonight.

    But tomorrow is guaranteed to have rain because I will be joining friend Linda with a booth at the Creston street market.  We have lots of collectibles we no longer collect.  If you need something unusual for a present, you might want to check us out.

    Just bring a raincoat and umbrella.

Peace and Love

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