Monday, August 9, 2021


 It was a dark and stormy night.....

    Snoopy in the comic strip Peanuts started a lot of his stories that way.  It is a pretty trite expression in the writing field.

    But so apt today.

    Tornadoes to the east, west, north and south of us, but none by us, thankfully.

    My problem is:  I get a little overexcited when it storms.  Panic is one word that sometimes describes me.

    So when the weather alert sounds a tone for a severe storm, I pay attention.  Today Jackie's I Pad and both our cell phones sounded a tornado warning for our area, again, luckily it was not a problem.  But it still gets me excited.

    I hope everyone is safe today...and will be safe tomorrow.

    One good thing about the weather, the Cubs did not lose.

Peace and Love

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