Sunday, August 22, 2021

hello...who are you again?

 I am terrible at recognizing people

    Put a mask and a few years on them, and it is almost impossible.

    So I was greatly saddened when I heard Grant, a former student of mine, was at the show last night. I would have loved to have chatted with him and caught up with his life, even if for a few minutes.

    I asked what he looked like.  I was told, tall, like dad, wearing a blue shirt, and a mask.

    I said I was talking to a rather tall guy in a blue shirt who was wearing a mask.

    I was told, yep that was him!

    I was talking to him, but did not know I was talking to him, and I wished I had known that because our conversation would have been much more interesting than the generic jabber.

    Then it happend again today.  Not a former student, but someone I have known for a LONG time, just have not seen for a few years.  She had a mask on, a different hair style than I remember, and a voice that was familiar.  We had a nice chat about the new theater and how nice it will be to perform in a space that we don't have to share with other groups  We laughed a couple of times at memories from the past.  I should have asked her name, but I didn'  I missed a chance to catch up with Susan because I did not recognize her.

    I need to get into the habit of saying, I am sorry, but your name escapes me.  Can you please tell me again?

    But I too socially inept to do that.

    Oh well.

    It was great today  to see Jim and Karen from the Quad Cities....three years ago we made plans to get together and take a bike ride along the Mississsippi.  Still have not done it.

    Show went well today, four more shows left.  If you live in the area, please come.  I think you will enjoy the laughs.

Peace and Love

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