Wednesday, August 25, 2021

never toss anything

I tend to save unnecessary stuff 

    I have a lobster trap.  I have a fish trap.  Don't ask why, I just have them.

    In 2012 when we were building the house, I told the flooring guys to leave the untreated oak for me for campfires.  I figured I would be able to sit out in the yard on cool fall nights and enjoy a little campfire.  Since the wood is not treated, it would be fine for that.

    The two tubs of wood are still in the garage.  I have not burned it, and worse, I think we have only had a couple of bonfire type nights.

    The same guys who did the wood floor in 2012 are doing the wood floors in the two bedrooms.  

    Yesterday they finished laying the floor.  Today they sanded and then stained the floor.

    But....they ran into a snag.  

    Prior to staining the floor, they run a damp rag over the wood to open the pores so the stain is deeply absorbed.  During this wetting time, they found a defect in one of the boards.  Evidently a bug burrowed into the wood, and when they wetted it, the wood "popped."

    Since they finished the flooring yesterday, all the scraps and extra wood was gone.  They were trying a couple of things to fix the hole, but none seemed to be working.

    I asked how they normally would fix it.  One guy said we would normally replace the board...but all the wood is back in Dixon.  Waiting to get a new piece puts the project two days behind.

    I told him to follow me.  I led him out to the garage, we went trough my stash of old wood, and found a couple of peices.  Then I looked in the corner and there was a 4 foot section of the right size.  

    He said he remembered me telling them to not toss it because I would use it for campfires in the back yard.  By the way, I did not save the cut pieces this time.

    Problem solved.

    Well, one problem.  I still have two tubs of wood to  burn.

    So this fall I will have at least one fire, maybe two.  I just hope I remember the marshmallows.

    Still looking for a caretaker for Jackie....I have not bought tickets yet because I have to have someone in place.  I hate myself for waiting so long.

Peace and Love

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