Sunday, August 8, 2021


My computer desk is clean 

    Spotless.  Not a bit of unneeded crap on the desk.

    Now, please don't think I have gone on a long delayed cleaning spree.  Instead, we moved the computer into the front room anticipating the remodeling in our two rooms.

    Of course, I have a pile about 7 feet high of paper and SIDNWTDW (Stuff I Don't Know What To Do With) with which I have to deal.  Paper just traps me in an endless cycle of despair and depression...I don't know what to do with paper.  I have a Civil War scrapbook I put together in eighth grade.  Aside from the peacock blue ink I used in my refillable ink pen, it has no significance to me.  Yet I hold on to it.

    I also discovered I need to learn how to:   Use the measure function on my phone; enter events on my calendar;  and recording music I can play on my computer and phone so I can give Emily her device back, which I have had since before Christmas.

    A huge thank you to John who helped me move the furniture and then hooked up the computer and all the other stuff so we can use it.  Honestly, I would not have been able to figure any of that out.  

    While on the phone with friend John in the City of Broad Shoulders, the Hog Butcher of the World, the Windy get the drift....the wind really picked up!  I thought my beautiful table was going to go because the umbrella was really flapping, so I took down the umbrella.  It was magic, because as soon as I got it out of the stand and on the chairs, the wind stopped.

    Go figure.

    We need the rain.

Peace an Love

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