Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Twos day

 I am struck by my gullibility

    Someone said that Tuesday, Feb. 2, will be an oddity we will never see again.  It will be 2-2-22.  A real Twos day!  I believed them.

    But alas, Feb. 2 is on Wednesday.  I had already told people to mark it down as a day to celebrate twos, now I will just say .... eh.....when we hit that non historic date.

    Oh well.

    Quite a storm rolled through today.  I was out grilling pork chops when the wind howled through.  It blew my chairs over, one of them landed on Jackie's rose bush.

    Then the temperature dropped about 20 degrees in what seemed minutes.  

    We got rain, but it was blowing sideways, so I have no idea how much we got.  It is still lightning to the south, hopefully we get some rain over night.

    A couple of weeks ago I doused a wasp nest in my rock wall on the patio.  As the storm rolled in, I noticed the wasps were flocking on the wall!  It was almost like they sensed the rain and were seeking shelter.  I sprayed again tonight, but if they come back again I'll call my friend Xav.

    We did the last of corn today.  I won't put up any more.  I believe we froze 6 dozen ears, which should last us.  We also froze Italian beans today....those are very prolific plants an there are still plenty of flowers on the plants.  Green beans?  Jury is still out.

    They finished laying the floor today.  Guys will be back tomorrow to sand, then the staining and sealing begins, stinking up the house.  I can't wait for this to be over so I can put the house back together again.

    And the weird thing....I had some wine last night, a wine I had never had before.  After a glass or two, I got really hot and sweaty.  My ears were burning!  I felt dizzy and a bit odd.

    I just figured it was me.

    But tonight, same thing.  I wonder if there is something in this particular wine that might trigger an allergy.  This was a half bottle, and it is finished.  But I will avoid that wine in the future.

    That's my day!

Peace and Love

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