Monday, August 2, 2021


 I caught two more little critters today

    That makes six, but I still see them scampering around the yard!

    These two were little ones....not babies, just small.  As I set them free, I had a strange thought.

    What if they massed together and attacked?

    Seriously!!!  One or two is no issue, but 6?  I have a friend, Nadine, who said her busband trapped 64 one year!  64!!!

    Now I am worried.  What if they can communicate and remember?  Are they secretly plotting to attack one night when I am sleeping?  Can they burrow through concrete or siding?

    They are excellent diggers, I can tell by the holes they make.  What if they work as a team and create a trap for me?

    I could be riding around on my lawn mower and ....Wooph!!!  Down I go into a pit of honey and red ants.  Looking up, I see the little rodents are grinning down at me, eating sunflower seeds and chirping wildly as the ants climb all over my honey coated body!!!

    Now I am wondering if I should reset my traps.  I don't want to create a ground squirrel uprising, with them shouting and chirpping away as they march relentlessly from the park to my house, blocking traffic on the road and causing small children to cry in fear.

    Or maybe I should just stop letting my imagination run wild.  After all, they are just ground squirrels.  How much of an army could they raise?

    Time will tell.

Peace and Love

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