Thursday, August 19, 2021

an early start

 I am getting to my blog early today

    Normally I have been doing this after rehearsals, but it has been late at night.

    So, here goes.

    Hot again.  Humid again.  Draining day again.

    I did take a nap for a while and I think I needed it.

    I also went to the store for a few items.  I spent $99,78!  I thought there had to be a mistake, but I went over the receipt and it was accurate.  Holy crap.

    My face is still stinging from last night, so I bought new Noxema and it is white, not brown.  When will I ever learn.

    Tomorrow night is opening night.  I tend to get a little excited, regardless of the size of my role.  I can't eat in the afternoon, I urinate frequently, and jabber like an idiot until I get the to the point where I just sit and think.  Little things upset me.  Truthfully, little things  upset t me all the time, but much more on show days.

    Starting Monday hopefully I can take care of the little calls I have not made, weeding I have not done.  I might even be able to pick beans!  I have beans!!  Four plantings, but they have produced.

    A couple of days ago we took Corki for a trim....she looks pretty.

    Check out the pictures!

Peace and Love

I honestly thought I bought Big Boy tomatoes.....but maybe they are Beefsteak!  They are huge.


 Cute II

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