Thursday, August 26, 2021


I can't eat a lot before a show 

    But during the out,

    I think that started two years ago when we had a ham as a prop,  It was delicious.  I seemed to eat a lot during the dinner scene and between acts and after the show.

    There are snacks for the current show.  Kimberly brings cookies, and there are pretzels with a  peanut butter filling, and cheese crackers, and cheddar cheese crackers, and I find myself "nibbling" a lot.

    Then when I get home, it continues.....chips, Italian ice, Kind bars, string cheese.

    It is a totally unhealthy diet.

    Yet I feel compulsed to eat the stuff!  Even if I am not hungry, I am nibbling.  (That just goes to show my low ability to control myself.)  

    Luckily there are only three shows left because my Elvis costume is getting tighter and tighter!

    I have a routine the day of a show.  Lunch, tea or coffee, nap, light snack.  Today I could not nap and I skipped the light snack.  Now I am tired.  And hungry.  Just when I should be in bed, I am going hunting for something salty.

    String cheese?  Goldfish?  Why not both.

    Peace and Love

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