Saturday, August 7, 2021


 It was hot out today

    I spent a couple of hours with friends Linda and Dan as we had a booth at Creston's street market.

    There were a lot of booths there, but I think we were the only one with collectibles and assorted odds and ends.

    At the other fair we were in, I made $63 selling things I no longer needed.  Or wanted.  I was hoping to do better today. trip to Creston, 4 hours in the heat, buyiong lunch, dog treats, garlic, tomatoes.....well, I am no Sam Walton.  I spent $17.  I sold $15 worth of items.  Which means I actually lost 50 cents an hour.

    Soooooooo.... not gonna do that again!  

    We are looking at other ways to share our collectibles to make it easier when it does come time to move somewhere else.

    But the great thing about today was seeing people.  Julie and Andy from New York stopped and talked.  They are visiting family in the area and we (Dan, Linda, me and Julie...not sure if Andy will still be here)  have a date for an afternoon of wine and conversation.

    Talked to 2 sets of former teachers, 4 theater buddies, a current teacher and a bunch of other people..... it was a really nice time, despite the heat and lack of sales.  Three of the people had been at the Exit 99 show two weeks ago and told me how great I was, and how I shined way brigher than the rest of the group.

    Well, what they actually said was we were funny and they had a great time.  But I know what they meant!  (TC, CJ, know I am just being silly.  You three  rock!)

    I was sweaty and hot, so I showered when I got home then moved some stuff from the soon to be remodeled bedrooms to the basement.  A mojito with my leftover Cubana from Acres Bistro was a night way to end the day.

    Well, not exactly end it.  We made a cake.  And I have 2 loads of laundry to finish.

    I am mellowed but tired.  

    Hopefully we get some rain tonight or lawn feels like straw when I walk on it.  The grass actually makes a crinkling sound when I step on it.

    Need to do a rain dance.

Peace and Love

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