Wednesday, August 18, 2021

making up is hard to do

 My apologies to Neil Sadaka

    He was popular in the early 60's and his song Breaking Up Is Hard To Do still rumbles thru my head once in a while.  I probably spelled his name wrong, but at this  time of day, I don't care.

    We did make up tonight for the play.  Make up is not my favorite part of doing a show.  I can't do it right and I always look, well, odd.

    After the last show I did I tossed some of my stuff.  I really did not think I would be in a show again, yet here I am.

    I asked for advice, and people said go to the drug store and have the person at the cosmetics counter find you a base.

    So I did.

    I think I really confused the young girl.  I asked for a foundation that matched my skin, and was hypoallergenic.  I told her it was for me.  She kind of did a double take when I then asked for a "manly looking lipstick."  I then explained I was in a play and needed makeup so my face does not disappear in the lights.

    I put it on tonight, and I guess it was ok.  I did have to borrow the other Terry's color tray to highlight my nose and temples.

    When I came home, I washed my face with soap and water and got out the Noxema.  I put that on and after 14 seconds of intense burning, rinsed it off.

    Is Noxema normally brownish yellow?  I always thought it was white.   Jackie had a jar too, and it was also brownish yellow.

    Neither of us remember buying it, and by the amount of dust on the lids, it has been around for quite a while.

    You'll never guess what I did.

    I threw it out!  Both jars!!   And that's not all.....I threw out almost all of my well worn gray socks!!

    Tomorrow I will go to the store and buy a small jar of Noxema.  One.  

    Afterall, it seems to last forever.

Peace and Love

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