Saturday, August 21, 2021

How do you spell.....

 I usually am a pretty darn good speller

    Learning lines in a play may give me problems, but I can spell!

    I have a line in the show that goes something like....anyone know a 5 letter word for female dog....third letter is t.

    Most people figure it out quite easily...not a terribly hard puzzle.

    But I have added a twist.

    Two nights ago I said the last letter is t. 

    Tonight I said the third letter is b.

    Tomorrow I am printing a note to tape in my prop with the correct spelling.

    I can't believe it.  I don't even know I have done it until people start telling me.  Of course, it could be a conspiracy to undermine my confidence.  A sinister, evil plot at that!  Maybe I am doing it right and everyone is in on the plot by telling me I was wrong.  Maybe Q Anon is behind it!

    I imagine some members of the audience and still wondering what the word is.   I may even cause a world power shortage as the multitudes that were there tonight try to Google an answer.

    At least I didn't leave early or come on at the wrong time, like I did last night.  We have 5 more shows, so hopefully by the last one I will have put it all together.

Peace and Love

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