Saturday, July 31, 2021

pity day

I woke up this morning feeling sorry for myself 

    MS is a bitch.  Telling you that right now.  Again.  I'll say it over and over.

    That's how my day started.

    But it did get better.

    I went to the market at Cypress House, got a coffee and brisket sandwiches, visited with people I had not seen in months, and enjoyed the sunshine and beautiful weather.  Jackie was going to go, but at the last minute decided against it.

    This afternoon I went to the theater and did a little painting.  Again, that felt good.  And normal.

    While I was painting my phone went off.  I fully expected Jackie to be on the line saying "Come home!"  But it was an old friend from high school, Joe.  He and his wife were visiting in the Chicago area and he gave me a call just to say hi.  That was really nice.

    Normally when I am gone I ask Emily or John to be available if needed to let out the dog, or pick up something Jackie dropped, or if she needs something.  But neither of them were feeling well today, and we vowed not to bother them.

    I am very anxious when Jackie is alone.  But today all was fine.

    I did two little projects at home tonight, right after our delicious brisket sandwiches from Hicks' Barbecue! 

     And I even got to watch a Cubs win, something I did not expect to see.  Yes,  my flag is out!

Peace and Love

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