Monday, August 23, 2021

Normal....for a day

Today was actually a fairly normal day 

    Up at 7 for the construction crew, picked beans, ran some errands, grilled burgers for supper.

    Unfortunately, I went to Rainwater's for sweet corn and ..... none.  No signs, no people at the stand, nothing.  I heard a rumor on Saturday that they were nearly done and I should have gone then.  Oh well.

    And yes, I have beans!  The 98the planting was succesful for the Italian beans but the jury is still out on green beans. I filled a bag and tomorrow we will hopefully cut, blanch, and freeze them.

    Construction crew.  We are putting wood floors in the two bedrooms.  We will not have any carpet in the upstairs part of the house, except for some area rugs.  It gets a little noisy, and later this week it will get dusty when they sand the new floors  before staining.

    I plan to put a plastic bag over the computer and put the mouse and key pad in a zip lock bag.  Hopefully that will protect them from dust.  I also plan on replacing the furnace filter a couple of times when they are finished.

    No rehearsal tonight.  None tomorrow night.  Then 5 days with either a rehearsal or a show.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Peace and Love

    Jackie has always wanted a rose I put one in a container on the patio.  Now she can see it when she eats breakfast.

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